2022 - A Year in Review

Every year I get a couple of Christmas letters from people in a card and I really enjoy reading them so here is my crack at it! If I can remember what all happened this past year...

  Once again it was a whirlwind year with all of us! It was our first full year of living together as a family of 5, and we are all still living under the same roof so I guess we should count that as a great success! Blending families is always a challenge but we seem to be coming together nicely.  I am really enjoying cooking and baking for 3 teenagers, Campbell is liking having siblings to joke around with, and I think that they like having him around too. The kids all get along really well so we count that as a huge blessing. Life is good!

  I started off the year with a girls trip to Kananaskis with my life-long girlfriends. As we do on all our trips together, we ate at great restaurants, took in the Nordic Spa, did some cross country skiing, and almost burnt down the hotel. The latter story for another day! Never a dull moment with that crew!

 Robb rejoined the golf trip to Cabo with his life long buddies Shaun & Todd. As he said, the trips look a little different in their 50s! They weren't out dancing on speakers and closing down the nightclubs (but were they ever?). Instead they were up early to get on the course with afternoon bookings on the pickleball courts, evening cocktails on the deck and to bed early to do it all again the following day. He came home more refreshed than in years past and happy for it.

  Robb and I got away on one long weekend together to Vancouver in April. We went to a Canuck's game, did some shopping, ate at a few new restaurants, and relaxed! As it does in Springtime in Vancouver is rained quite a bit.  Our activities were a bit limited due to the weather but we made the best of it. We visited the aquarium, which neither of us had been to, as well as the Capilano Suspension Bridge Park when there was a break from the rain.
It was nice to get a way for a few days together.  This seems to be the only photo I have of us from this trip but I guess that means that we were too busy enjoying each others' company.

 This was a big year for all three kids. Carter was working full time at Dodge City while he took a year off school after graduated High School. He is quite interested everything to do with cars and very good at tinkering. By the end of summer he was ready to get back to his studies and he is currently wrapping up first semester exams at the UofS. He is studying Computer Science in the College of Arts & Science and is doing very well with it. He is still working at Dodge City when he can and snowboarding with buddies too!  

  Tatum is in grade 12 this year and by all indications there will be a full grad celebration, I am looking forward to grad dress shopping with her! She always does well in school, made the honour roll again for grade 11 . In the summer she added a part time job to her life experiences. Tatum is a bit of a social butterfly with her friends so fittingly she got a job at Party City!  Don't think it's as much of a party as she expected but it gives her some fun money and responsibility. She's doing really well with it. Too bad she didn't get a job at Clean Your Room CHILD! haha.  She also got her license this past year! Exciting for her but also for Robb as he doesn't have to drive her all over anymore. If we thought we barely saw her before it has only gotten worse! She seems to be doing well as a driver and likes the freedom her license, and car, brings.

 Campbell also got his license this year!  He is in love with his car and the ability to drive himself to school, to friends' houses, and to his various practices. He played senior football with the Aden Bowman Bears, following in the footsteps of his uncles. The Bears made it to the City Finals but (sadly) lost to an undefeated team that we won't mention.  They didn't go down easily, it was a battle of a game, and it showed how much they had improved over the year! We loved going to watch him and his friends play this past year. He had played Junior football with the Bears in Grade 10 and in June they gave him the MVP award! He's currently back on the hunt for a job and until that firms up he spends his time studying and going to the gym to get ready for next year's sports.

couple smilingIn August we had our 1 year anniversary party! It was the party that we had hoped to have for our wedding but we all know that those weren't happening much in 2021. It was a very fun night, even better a year later!  There are very few photos of that night as we were all too busy having fun to touch our phones. Maybe there will be some in the future as Robb thought it was so much fun that we should throw one every year. Guess which one of us did all the planning and organizing? Haha. I agree that it is something that I would like to do again, I like throwing parties, so we shall see what 2023 brings... There was also a lot of help from my Mom, Magda, and the ladies from The Black Door who always know how to throw a party! Baking by cousins, aunts, and family friends helped create a dessert bar that blew our socks off! yum.  A great night was had by all. 

In other wedding news we got to celebrate with several loved ones this summer: Jack & Jenna, Taylor & Jordan, and my Dad & Brian who finally tied the knot after 22 years of being together! It was exciting and relaxing being on the other side of the coin summer. 


Those are some of the highlights of the year. But before I sign off I should mention, in case you don't follow me on Instagram, we added to our family this Fall. Tony (aka TT, aka Flat Tony aka "TONY get off the counter!!") joined our furry family from SCAT and he is bringing us much joy to the house. Everyone seems to be enjoying his kitten antics, except for Coco who is simply tolerating him with much grace. 

Thanks for reading along. I hope you found it somewhat entertaining and if not, well I promise to get better next year! Merry Christmas to you all and cheers to a wonderful 2023 for all!  

Much love from our household to yours, 
Jillian, Robb, Carter, Tatum, Campbell